



    Last Updated: August 10, 2023

    Potatoes are starchy tubers that contain a modest amount of complete protein and a broad array of vitamins and minerals. When eaten boiled or baked without calorie-dense toppings, they are among the most filling foods per calorie, but when fried they are less filling and are associated with an elevated risk of weight gain, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease in observational studies.

    Potatoes is most often used for .

    Which nutrients and other compounds are in potatoes?

    One medium potato with skin contains about 161 kilocalories, 88 percent of which is carbohydrate, 10 percent of which is protein, and 1 percent of which is fat.[1] Potatoes contain a broad array of vitamins and minerals but are particularly rich in potassium, manganese, vitamin C, and vitamin B6.[1] On a calorie-for-calorie basis, potatoes contain about as much fiber as whole grains — 3.8 grams per medium potato with skin.[1]

    Percent of daily value per 100 calories

    Baked potato with skinWhole wheat breadWhite bread (enriched)
    Vitamin A
    Vitamin E
    Vitamin C

    Among plant foods, potato protein stands out as being unusually complete and digestible.[2] In other words, it has an amino acid profile similar to what the human body needs to maintain itself and build muscle, while most plant foods have to be combined with other plant or animal foods to achieve this. However, the total amount of protein in potatoes is modest at 4.3 grams per medium spud.[1]

    Potatoes contain a significant amount of non-essential phytochemicals. These include polyphenols, especially phenolic acids (also found in coffee) and, in purple potatoes specifically, anthocyanins (also found in blueberries),[3] which are most concentrated in the skin but also present in the flesh.[3] Observational research suggests that foods high in polyphenols, including anthocyanins, may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes[4][5].

    Randomized controlled trials report that these polyphenols found in potatoes reduce blood pressure and improve endothelial function, consistent with the idea that they may lower cardiovascular disease risk.[6][7] However, there is no direct evidence that consuming potatoes prevents cardiovascular events.

    Yellow-fleshed potatoes can also contain a significant amount of carotenoids, especially lutein (also found in green vegetables like spinach).[8] Lutein plays a role in preventing and slowing the progression of macular degeneration, a common cause of visual impairment in the elderly.[9]

    What are the main benefits of potatoes?

    Potatoes are one of the richest dietary sources of potassium, an important mineral for keeping blood pressure within a healthy range and preventing cardiovascular events like heart attack and stroke.[10][11] A commonly-used dose in studies that report blood pressure reductions from potassium supplementation is 2.3 grams per day, approximately the amount in two medium potatoes.[10][1]

    One randomized controlled crossover trial compared the impact of non-fried potatoes, fried potatoes, potassium supplements, and usual diet on blood pressure over 17-day diet periods in people with high blood pressure.[12] Systolic blood pressure tended to be lower on the non-fried potato diet vs. usual diet, but this didn’t reach statistical significance. In contrast, the decline in systolic blood pressure from baseline was significantly greater for the non-fried potato group vs. usual diet, but this was a secondary outcome. The decline in blood pressure did not reach statistical significance on the diet with fried potatoes or potassium supplements.

    An additional small trial reports that eating eight small purple potatoes per day for four weeks reduces blood pressure in people with high blood pressure (hypertension), but the finding should be interpreted with caution due to major methodological weaknesses.[13] For example, the paper doesn’t statistically compare blood pressure in the intervention group against the control group, which is the most important comparison in a controlled trial. Together, these two randomized controlled trials provide modest evidence that eating non-fried potatoes can lower blood pressure, consistent with the high potassium content of spuds.

    In a study testing the satiety (fullness after a meal) effects of 32 commonly-eaten foods, boiled potatoes were the most sating per calorie, beating other high-satiety foods like fish, steak, fruit, and oatmeal.[14] Baked potatoes are expected to be comparable due to their similar composition and palatability. This suggests that potatoes may be helpful for controlling calorie intake and body weight, although this hasn’t been directly tested. It’s also important to note that this study used plain potatoes, and the effects would likely be different with added butter, cheese or other calorie-dense toppings.

    Potatoes are unusually nutritionally complete. Although a potato-only diet lacks significant quantities of vitamins A, E, and B12, most other essential nutrients are present at adequate or near-adequate levels. Small experiments in the early 20th century reported that people can eat almost nothing but potatoes for 5.5 to 10 months with no apparent ill effects.[15][16]

    What are the main drawbacks of potatoes?

    Most types of potatoes, such as the common russet, have a high glycemic index. This means they increase blood glucose more than most other foods containing the same amount of carbohydrate. However, this varies by potato type and processing method. For example, frying potatoes, or cooling them after cooking, tends to lower their glycemic index.[17] Potatoes also have a high insulin index, meaning they increase insulin secretion more than most other foods.[18] The health implications of this aren’t entirely clear. Observational studies report no consistent association between the habitual glycemic index of the diet and body mass index, a measure of body fatness. Similarly, randomized controlled trials report no consistent effect of glycemic index on body weight.[19] In contrast, observational studies report that diets higher in glycemic index tend to be associated with a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes,[20][21] and a higher risk of cardiovascular disease in women but not men.[22][23][24] In addition, people with diabetes may have a harder time controlling their blood sugar levels when they eat high-glycemic foods.[25]

    When considering potatoes specifically, there is no consistent association between the intake of boiled, baked, or mashed potatoes and cardiovascular risk in observational studies, but they are correlated with a slightly higher risk of type 2 diabetes. Intake of fried potatoes is more strongly associated with the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes in these studies, despite the lower glycemic index of fried potatoes.[26][27]

    Potatoes contain oxalates, which can contribute to the formation of kidney stones in susceptible people.[28][29]

    Potatoes also contain the toxic glycoalkaloids solanine and chaconine, which can cause digestive distress and in very rare cases can be fatal. These are only present in potentially dangerous amounts in potatoes that are green, damaged, diseased, and potato sprouts. Peeling potatoes removes most of their glycoalkaloid content.[30]

    Per calorie, potatoes are not as dense in vitamins and minerals as low-calorie vegetables like greens, broccoli, and carrots. This isn’t necessarily a problem if potatoes are eaten as a starch alongside vegetables, as one would eat rice or bread. But if they’re viewed as a vegetable and eaten instead of low-calorie vegetables, they may lead to a lower intake of vitamins and minerals and a higher calorie intake.

    How does preparation method impact the healthfulness of potatoes?

    Potatoes are commonly eaten baked, boiled, mashed, and fried. Relative to the other three preparation methods, frying results in a lower glycemic index, higher calorie density, greater palatability, and lower satiety per calorie.[17][14] This is likely to increase calorie intake and contribute to weight gain. Consistent with this, an observational study reported that people who increase their intake of French fries and potato chips experienced much more weight gain than people who increased their intake of baked, boiled, or mashed potatoes.[31] This must be interpreted with some caution due to the possibility of confounding by other diet and lifestyle factors. Adding calorie-dense toppings or ingredients like butter and cheese to baked, boiled, and mashed potatoes is expected to make them less filling per calorie.

    Cooling potatoes after cooking tends to reduce their glycemic index and insulin index, even if they are subsequently reheated, although this is not always the case.[32][33] To the extent that dietary glycemic index and insulin index may impact health, cooling potatoes prior to eating may make them healthier.

    High-temperature cooking of some foods creates a carcinogen called acrylamide, and fried potatoes are one of the largest dietary exposures to this compound.[34] Although dietary acrylamide is a theoretical concern, observational studies have not reported consistent links between dietary acrylamide intake and the risk of cancer at any site, with the possible exception of kidney cancer.[35] Soaking potatoes prior to frying reduces the formation of acrylamide.

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    Frequently asked questions

    Which nutrients and other compounds are in potatoes?

    One medium potato with skin contains about 161 kilocalories, 88 percent of which is carbohydrate, 10 percent of which is protein, and 1 percent of which is fat.[1] Potatoes contain a broad array of vitamins and minerals but are particularly rich in potassium, manganese, vitamin C, and vitamin B6.[1] On a calorie-for-calorie basis, potatoes contain about as much fiber as whole grains — 3.8 grams per medium potato with skin.[1]

    Percent of daily value per 100 calories

    Baked potato with skinWhole wheat breadWhite bread (enriched)
    Vitamin A
    Vitamin E
    Vitamin C

    Among plant foods, potato protein stands out as being unusually complete and digestible.[2] In other words, it has an amino acid profile similar to what the human body needs to maintain itself and build muscle, while most plant foods have to be combined with other plant or animal foods to achieve this. However, the total amount of protein in potatoes is modest at 4.3 grams per medium spud.[1]

    Potatoes contain a significant amount of non-essential phytochemicals. These include polyphenols, especially phenolic acids (also found in coffee) and, in purple potatoes specifically, anthocyanins (also found in blueberries),[3] which are most concentrated in the skin but also present in the flesh.[3] Observational research suggests that foods high in polyphenols, including anthocyanins, may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes[4][5].

    Randomized controlled trials report that these polyphenols found in potatoes reduce blood pressure and improve endothelial function, consistent with the idea that they may lower cardiovascular disease risk.[6][7] However, there is no direct evidence that consuming potatoes prevents cardiovascular events.

    Yellow-fleshed potatoes can also contain a significant amount of carotenoids, especially lutein (also found in green vegetables like spinach).[8] Lutein plays a role in preventing and slowing the progression of macular degeneration, a common cause of visual impairment in the elderly.[9]

    Are potatoes a vegetable?
    Quick answer:

    In this context, “vegetable” is a culinary term without a precise, widely-agreed-upon definition. While some definitions label all plant foods as vegetables,[39][40] others are more specific, excluding fruit, seeds, and nuts.[39][41] The most commonly-used definitions include potatoes. Although potatoes are commonly considered vegetables, nutritionally they are more similar to starchy staple foods like bread, rice, and oats than to other foods we commonly call “vegetables”, like tomatoes, lettuce, and carrots. Most of the foods we call “vegetables” are low-calorie plant foods that have a high vitamin, mineral, and fiber content per calorie. For this reason, potatoes have sometimes been categorized differently than other vegetables in dietary guidelines[42] and scientific studies of diet-disease relationships.[43]

    What are the main benefits of potatoes?

    Potatoes are one of the richest dietary sources of potassium, an important mineral for keeping blood pressure within a healthy range and preventing cardiovascular events like heart attack and stroke.[10][11] A commonly-used dose in studies that report blood pressure reductions from potassium supplementation is 2.3 grams per day, approximately the amount in two medium potatoes.[10][1]

    One randomized controlled crossover trial compared the impact of non-fried potatoes, fried potatoes, potassium supplements, and usual diet on blood pressure over 17-day diet periods in people with high blood pressure.[12] Systolic blood pressure tended to be lower on the non-fried potato diet vs. usual diet, but this didn’t reach statistical significance. In contrast, the decline in systolic blood pressure from baseline was significantly greater for the non-fried potato group vs. usual diet, but this was a secondary outcome. The decline in blood pressure did not reach statistical significance on the diet with fried potatoes or potassium supplements.

    An additional small trial reports that eating eight small purple potatoes per day for four weeks reduces blood pressure in people with high blood pressure (hypertension), but the finding should be interpreted with caution due to major methodological weaknesses.[13] For example, the paper doesn’t statistically compare blood pressure in the intervention group against the control group, which is the most important comparison in a controlled trial. Together, these two randomized controlled trials provide modest evidence that eating non-fried potatoes can lower blood pressure, consistent with the high potassium content of spuds.

    In a study testing the satiety (fullness after a meal) effects of 32 commonly-eaten foods, boiled potatoes were the most sating per calorie, beating other high-satiety foods like fish, steak, fruit, and oatmeal.[14] Baked potatoes are expected to be comparable due to their similar composition and palatability. This suggests that potatoes may be helpful for controlling calorie intake and body weight, although this hasn’t been directly tested. It’s also important to note that this study used plain potatoes, and the effects would likely be different with added butter, cheese or other calorie-dense toppings.

    Potatoes are unusually nutritionally complete. Although a potato-only diet lacks significant quantities of vitamins A, E, and B12, most other essential nutrients are present at adequate or near-adequate levels. Small experiments in the early 20th century reported that people can eat almost nothing but potatoes for 5.5 to 10 months with no apparent ill effects.[15][16]

    Are white potatoes less healthy than sweet potatoes?
    Quick answer:

    White potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) and sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) are both nutritious foods and we have not identified studies directly comparing their impacts on health. White potatoes and sweet potatoes have a similar calorie density and carbohydrate content. White potatoes have a bit more protein, while sweet potatoes have a bit more fiber. Sweet potatoes contain more of several vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A precursors, vitamin C, and calcium, while white potatoes contain more folate.[1][44]

    White potatoes and sweet potatoes both tend to have a high glycemic index, but the glycemic index of white potatoes is typically somewhat higher.[17]

    What are the main drawbacks of potatoes?

    Most types of potatoes, such as the common russet, have a high glycemic index. This means they increase blood glucose more than most other foods containing the same amount of carbohydrate. However, this varies by potato type and processing method. For example, frying potatoes, or cooling them after cooking, tends to lower their glycemic index.[17] Potatoes also have a high insulin index, meaning they increase insulin secretion more than most other foods.[18] The health implications of this aren’t entirely clear. Observational studies report no consistent association between the habitual glycemic index of the diet and body mass index, a measure of body fatness. Similarly, randomized controlled trials report no consistent effect of glycemic index on body weight.[19] In contrast, observational studies report that diets higher in glycemic index tend to be associated with a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes,[20][21] and a higher risk of cardiovascular disease in women but not men.[22][23][24] In addition, people with diabetes may have a harder time controlling their blood sugar levels when they eat high-glycemic foods.[25]

    When considering potatoes specifically, there is no consistent association between the intake of boiled, baked, or mashed potatoes and cardiovascular risk in observational studies, but they are correlated with a slightly higher risk of type 2 diabetes. Intake of fried potatoes is more strongly associated with the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes in these studies, despite the lower glycemic index of fried potatoes.[26][27]

    Potatoes contain oxalates, which can contribute to the formation of kidney stones in susceptible people.[28][29]

    Potatoes also contain the toxic glycoalkaloids solanine and chaconine, which can cause digestive distress and in very rare cases can be fatal. These are only present in potentially dangerous amounts in potatoes that are green, damaged, diseased, and potato sprouts. Peeling potatoes removes most of their glycoalkaloid content.[30]

    Per calorie, potatoes are not as dense in vitamins and minerals as low-calorie vegetables like greens, broccoli, and carrots. This isn’t necessarily a problem if potatoes are eaten as a starch alongside vegetables, as one would eat rice or bread. But if they’re viewed as a vegetable and eaten instead of low-calorie vegetables, they may lead to a lower intake of vitamins and minerals and a higher calorie intake.

    Do all potatoes have a high glycemic index?
    Quick answer:

    Most, but not all varieties of potatoes have a high glycemic index.[36][17][37] For example, the varieties ‘Carisma’ and ‘Nicola’ have a low and medium glycemic index, respectively.[36] Frying or cooling potatoes after cooking typically reduces their glycemic index.[17] Yet don’t count on frying potatoes to improve their healthfulness, as fried potatoes are less filling per calorie,[14] associated with weight gain,[31] and associated with a higher risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease.[26][27]

    Are potatoes harmful because they’re nightshades?
    Quick answer:

    Some people believe plants in the nightshade family cause inflammation, joint pain, digestive discomfort, and other problems. Potatoes can cause digestive distress, especially if they are green, damaged, or sprouting, but there is scant evidence that they cause inflammation or joint pain.

    One randomized controlled trial tested the impact of potatoes on markers of inflammation, reporting that a single meal of potatoes led to higher circulating levels of the inflammatory cytokine interleukin-6 in lean women but not women with obesity, and higher circulating levels of the inflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-⍺) in women with obesity but not lean women, relative to All-Bran cereal in the six hours following the meal.[45] This result should be viewed with caution since the study reports many outcomes without statistically correcting for multiple comparisons, increasing the probability that some of the findings are due to chance. It is also not clear how potatoes would have fared if they had been compared to other types of food. A 4-week randomized controlled trial, meanwhile, found potatoes and refined grains did not clearly differ in their effect on the inflammatory marker C-reactive protein (CRP).

    Randomized controlled trials tend to suggest that eating tomatoes or tomato extracts, another food in the nightshade family, reduce markers of inflammation, although not all findings have been consistent.[46][47][48][49][50]

    Nightshades, including potatoes, contain glycoalkaloids, which can cause digestive distress. These are only present in potentially dangerous amounts in potatoes that are green, damaged, diseased, and potato sprouts. Peeling potatoes removes most of their glycoalkaloid content.[30]

    How does preparation method impact the healthfulness of potatoes?

    Potatoes are commonly eaten baked, boiled, mashed, and fried. Relative to the other three preparation methods, frying results in a lower glycemic index, higher calorie density, greater palatability, and lower satiety per calorie.[17][14] This is likely to increase calorie intake and contribute to weight gain. Consistent with this, an observational study reported that people who increase their intake of French fries and potato chips experienced much more weight gain than people who increased their intake of baked, boiled, or mashed potatoes.[31] This must be interpreted with some caution due to the possibility of confounding by other diet and lifestyle factors. Adding calorie-dense toppings or ingredients like butter and cheese to baked, boiled, and mashed potatoes is expected to make them less filling per calorie.

    Cooling potatoes after cooking tends to reduce their glycemic index and insulin index, even if they are subsequently reheated, although this is not always the case.[32][33] To the extent that dietary glycemic index and insulin index may impact health, cooling potatoes prior to eating may make them healthier.

    High-temperature cooking of some foods creates a carcinogen called acrylamide, and fried potatoes are one of the largest dietary exposures to this compound.[34] Although dietary acrylamide is a theoretical concern, observational studies have not reported consistent links between dietary acrylamide intake and the risk of cancer at any site, with the possible exception of kidney cancer.[35] Soaking potatoes prior to frying reduces the formation of acrylamide.

    How should potatoes be stored?
    Quick answer:

    Potatoes should be stored in a cool, dark place, but ideally not the refrigerator.[38].

    • The most important guideline is to store potatoes in the dark. When exposed to light, potatoes produce higher levels of toxic glycoalkaloids in the skin and just below it. Although glycoalkaloids are not visible, the potato’s skin also turns green when exposed to light, and the green color is visible.
    • Storing potatoes in a cool place is not necessary but it prolongs their storage life.
    • Storing potatoes in the refrigerator (less than 40 degrees F) for a week or more causes them to sweeten, which some people may not like. They are, however, safe to eat.


    1. ^
    2. ^Steven R Hertzler, Jacqueline C Lieblein-Boff, Mary Weiler, Courtney AllgeierPlant Proteins: Assessing Their Nutritional Quality and Effects on Health and Physical FunctionNutrients.(2020 Nov 30)
    3. ^Akyol H, Riciputi Y, Capanoglu E, Caboni MF, Verardo VPhenolic Compounds in the Potato and Its Byproducts: An Overview.Int J Mol Sci.(2016-May-27)
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    5. ^Cassidy A, Mukamal KJ, Liu L, Franz M, Eliassen AH, Rimm EBHigh anthocyanin intake is associated with a reduced risk of myocardial infarction in young and middle-aged women.Circulation.(2013-Jan-15)
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    9. ^Liwen Feng, Kailai Nie, Hui Jiang, Wei FanEffects of lutein supplementation in age-related macular degenerationPLoS One.(2019 Dec 30)
    10. ^Jalal Poorolajal, Fatemeh Zeraati, Ali Reza Soltanian, Vida Sheikh, Elham Hooshmand, Akram MalekiOral potassium supplementation for management of essential hypertension: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trialsPLoS One.(2017 Apr 18)
    11. ^Bruce Neal, Yangfeng Wu, Xiangxian Feng, Ruijuan Zhang, Yuhong Zhang, Jingpu Shi, Jianxin Zhang, Maoyi Tian, Liping Huang, Zhifang Li, Yan Yu, Yi Zhao, Bo Zhou, Jixin Sun, Yishu Liu, Xuejun Yin, Zhixin Hao, Jie Yu, Ka-Chun Li, Xinyi Zhang, Peifen Duan, Faxuan Wang, Bing Ma, Weiwei Shi, Gian Luca Di Tanna, Sandrine Stepien, Sana Shan, Sallie-Anne Pearson, Nicole Li, Lijing L Yan, Darwin Labarthe, Paul ElliottEffect of Salt Substitution on Cardiovascular Events and DeathN Engl J Med.(2021 Sep 16)
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    20. ^Darren C Greenwood, Diane E Threapleton, Charlotte E L Evans, Christine L Cleghorn, Camilla Nykjaer, Charlotte Woodhead, Victoria J BurleyGlycemic index, glycemic load, carbohydrates, and type 2 diabetes: systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of prospective studiesDiabetes Care.(2013 Dec)
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    Examine Database References

    1. Blood Pressure - Michael S Stone, Berdine R Martin, Connie M WeaverShort-Term RCT of Increased Dietary Potassium from Potato or Potassium Gluconate: Effect on Blood Pressure, Microcirculation, and Potassium and Sodium Retention in Pre-Hypertensive-to-Hypertensive AdultsNutrients.(2021 May 11)
    2. Triglycerides - Eunice Mah, Jacqueline A Schulz, Valerie N Kaden, Andrea L Lawless, Jose Rotor, Libertie B Mantilla, DeAnn J LiskaCashew consumption reduces total and LDL cholesterol: a randomized, crossover, controlled-feeding trialAm J Clin Nutr.(2017 May)
    3. Triglycerides - E A Johnston, K S Petersen, P M Kris-EthertonDaily intake of non-fried potato does not affect markers of glycaemia and is associated with better diet quality compared with refined grains: a randomised, crossover study in healthy adultsBr J Nutr.(2020 May 14)
    4. Glycemic Control - Daniel L Smith, Rebecca L Hanson, Stephanie L Dickinson, Xiwei Chen, Amy M Goss, John B Cleek, W Timothy Garvey, David B AllisonFrench-fried potatoes consumption and energy balance: a randomized controlled trialAm J Clin Nutr.(2022 Feb 18)
    5. Weight - Siew Ling Tey, Rachel Brown, Andrew Gray, Alexandra Chisholm, Conor DelahuntyNuts improve diet quality compared to other energy-dense snacks while maintaining body weightJ Nutr Metab.(2011)