Cardiothoracic Ratio

    Last Updated: July 19, 2023

    Cardiothoracic ratio is a measure of the ratio of horizontal cardiac diameter to the horizontal thoracic diameter. Although useful for an initial, rough assessment of heart size, it is a poor disease marker due to its lack of correlation with heart function.

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    Examine Database References

    1. Sauna - Kihara T, Biro S, Ikeda Y, Fukudome T, Shinsato T, Masuda A, Miyata M, Hamasaki S, Otsuji Y, Minagoe S, Akiba S, Tei CEffects of repeated sauna treatment on ventricular arrhythmias in patients with chronic heart failure.Circ J.(2004-Dec)
    2. Sauna - Fujita S, Ikeda Y, Miyata M, Shinsato T, Kubozono T, Kuwahata S, Hamada N, Miyauchi T, Yamaguchi T, Torii H, Hamasaki S, Tei CEffect of Waon therapy on oxidative stress in chronic heart failure.Circ J.(2011)